Bring your ideas together

Builds so fast, you have Time to have innovate

Kloud follows the GitOps pattern of using Git repositories as the source of truth for defining the desired application state.
Free plans available

Take your developmet to the next level

Choose cost effectively

We offer the flexibility to choose from multiple data centers, each with its own pricing options. Whether you need a cost-effective solution for staging services or a reliable and stable environment for your production services, we have you covered. 

DevOps Journey Starts Here

Break down silos and automate manual tasks with DevOps. Our solutions streamline your software development lifecycle, allowing you to build, test, and deploy code faster than ever before. This rapid release cycle enables you to innovate quicker, respond to market changes with agility, and gain a competitive edge.

Don't Build the Platform, Launch Your App

Our PaaS service provides everything you need to develop, deploy, and manage your applications – servers, storage, databases, and more – all in one place.

PaaS offers a virtualized infrastructure (servers, storage, networking) that you can access and scale up or down as needed, just like turning on a light switch.

Used by 10K+ users around the world

Preview Environments or also known as Deploy Previews

Let’s say your team is currently working on introducing a new feature. You’re almost finished implementing this feature, but you want to try it out in a production-like environment.

Each team member is given a ready-to-use but short-living production-like deployment to gather feedback early. Also, it is crucial for you to get feedback from someone in the UX and QA team before the feature goes into production. 


Emails & SMS per month


Customer Retention

Used by over 10.000 brands all over the world

Grow your revenue with these simple steps

Ullamcorper risus ultrices risus lorem. Mollis libero in pellentesque potenti. Vulputate ut aliquam, consectetur turpis odio.


Create a campaign


Pick target audience based on the statistics


Send E-mail and SMS


Enjoy the growth!

Built-in multipurpose templates library

Sed pellentesque lectus phasellus vivamus tempus lectus aliquam ut convallis. Urna at amet et risus dignissim arcu. Rhoncus bibendum habitant non scelerisqu.

Getting started is easy

Start building with a free account. Speak to an expert for your Pro or Enterprise needs.